The difference between SUS304 and SUS316L for making screw feeder

Materials used in screw feeders

Screw feeder

As a manufacturer producing screw feeder for the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries, our company uses a very high proportion of stainless steel. Although both SUS304 and SUS316L are types of stainless steel, we select between them based on the application. This explanation will compare SUS316L with SUS304 to clarify when to choose SUS316L.

Features and Applications of SUS304


  • Corrosion Resistance: Although it is a general-purpose stainless steel, it has high corrosion resistance.
  • Workability: It is easy to process, allowing for simple machining and welding.
  • Cost-Effective: It is the most affordable stainless steel, making it suitable for general applications.


  • Food Industry: Commonly used in machinery for the food industry, including the main body frames, powder-contact parts, and liquid-contact parts.
  • Chemical Industry: Used primarily for powder-contact parts and liquid-contact parts. Due to its general corrosion resistance, SUS304 is also often used for machinery frames and control panels.
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Used in standard-grade machinery for the pharmaceutical sector.

Features and Applications of SUS316L


  • High Corrosion Resistance: SUS316L offers superior corrosion resistance compared to SUS304, especially in saline and acidic environments.
  • Cleanability: The surface is smooth, making it easy to clean and sanitize.
  • Durability: It has high resistance to acids, alkalis, and chlorine, making it very corrosion-resistant.


  • Food Industry: Used for powder-contact parts and liquid-contact parts, particularly when dealing with ingredients that involve salt or acids.
  • Chemical Industry: Used for components, tanks, and piping in highly corrosive environments.
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: SUS316L is typically used for powder-contact and liquid-contact parts in pharmaceutical equipment where high corrosion resistance is required. Additionally, the surface is often treated with electropolishing, which is a higher grade finish compared to buff polishing.

The main reason we choose SUS316L at our company is when higher corrosion resistance and advanced sanitary properties are needed. While SUS304 offers general corrosion resistance and is widely applicable, SUS316L is selected for handling specific raw materials and for applications requiring higher sanitary standards and cleanliness, such as in the pharmaceutical industry. SUS316L, often combined with electropolishing, is the preferred choice for such cases. Stainless steel should be chosen based on the specific requirements of the application.