What is volumetric screw feeder?
What exactly is a volumetric screw feeder?
The screw feeder discharges raw material by the volume of the raw material that enters the gap between the screws. Since the pitch of the screws is uniform, the amount of powder that enters between the screws is theoretically the same. The screw is rotated by a motor, so the rotation speed is always constant (the rotation speed can be changed)
The screw feeder discharges the raw material by the volume of the raw material that entered the gap of the screw. Since the pitch of the screws is even, the amount of powder that gets between the screws is also the same.
Since the screw is rotated by a motor, the rotation speed is always constant (the rotation speed can be changed).
A system that does not use a scale for weighing, but continuously discharges the amount that enters the space between the screws is called a volumetric screw feeder.
If the screw is rotated at the same speed for the same amount of time, the amount discharged will be approximately equal.
However, the discharge accuracy is inevitably inferior to that of a weighing screw feeder.
If discharge accuracy is not so important, volumetric screw feeders are simple to operate and easy to use.
Please select the feeder according to the characteristics of the powdered raw material and the intended use.